Flight Validation of Fixed Wing Procedures:
Flight Precision Ltd specialises in the provision of Flight evaluation and validation services of all types of instrument flight procedures RNAV and RNP including LNAV/VNAV, LP and LPV based on GNSS with SBAS/WAAS, GBAS or DME/DME. Our service is delivered in accordance with ICAO Document 9906 Quality Assurance Manual for Flight Procedure Design, Vol 5 – Validation of Instrument Flight Procedures.
We provide all the elements required for successful validation of new or revised procedures:
Fully qualified and authorised Flight validation pilots.
Modern and complex aircraft Beechcraft B350i with dual set of flight management systems (FMS).
Onboard Aerodata AD-AFIS Automatic Flight Inspection System for recording all the parameters required for final evaluation.
3D desktop simulation using designed and post-flight recorded flight profiles.
Obstacle assessment and pilot workload evaluation.
Pre-production database development and testing.
Full-flight simulator.
Final report includes all essential details, recorded parameters and operational assessment to declare that IFP is usable.
Start to end project oversight management for early error detection, schedule, and cost control.
Validate airspace with all types of procedures from takeoff to landing.

Flight Precision Ltd works with several independent Flight Procedure Design companies to provide our customers with comprehensive services that will cover not only the Flight Validation, but the entire cycle including Flight Procedure Design, Simulation, Independent review, Pre-production database development, and Flight Validation.
Flight procedure design refers to the planning, execution and ongoing maintenance of air traffic routes, procedures and approaches used by aerodrome and aircraft operators. Operational charts are published in electronic and hard copy format, as well as coded procedures that are loaded into an aircraft flight management system (FMS). These are used to facilitate safe and efficient air traffic operations, whilst meeting a wide variety of specifications such as obstacle clearance, differing aircraft performance considerations, ATC flow management, airspace capacity, air traffic control separation requirements and environmental concerns amongst others.
The creation, modernization and continual revision of procedures is a complex and strictly regulated process which is aimed to ensure the integrity of safety-critical aeronautical information. It is related to SIDs & STARs, ATS Routes (en-route phase of flight), holding patterns, airspace structure and ATC sectorisation in both terminal and en-route airspace, conventional instrument approach procedures (e.g. ILS, LOC, VOR), performance-based navigation (PBN) instrument approach procedures (e.g. RNP APCH with LNAV, LNAV/VNAV or LPV Minima).
Key features and advantages:
Design of flight procedures according to ICAO PANS-OPS (Doc 8168), ICAO Doc 4444 (PANS-ATM), ICAO Doc 9613 and ICAO Doc 9905.
Certified Flight Procedure Design experts.
Fast Time Simulation for different flight scenario trials.
Obstacle assessment as per regulatory requirements (ICAO Doc 9906 Vol. 5, Appendix A and Annex 14, Ch. 4).
Independent review of the design procedure and quality check.
Comprehensive design process to minimize the amount of flight validation hours.
Human factor errors' assessment and reduction (ICAO Doc 9906 Vol. 5, Appendix B).
ARINC-424 and FMS coded database validation.
Assessment of the airport ATM workload with potential improvement towards overall airport performance.
Through airspace modernisation the following can be achieved:
Improvement in ATC flow management and leading to an increased number of aircraft operations per day.
Enhancement in Air Traffic Services and reduced ATC delays.
Aerodrome infrastructure including layout review of navigational facilities, approach schemes.
Improvement in safety and obstacle assessment.
Reduction of in-flight crew and ATC workload.
Improvement in aircraft operators’ cost efficiency at all stages and a reduction of environmental impact.
Detection of potential abnormal situations and contingency planning for emergencies.